火曜日, 11月 28, 2006


I'm listen to this music now:

I cried to my daddy on a telephon, how long now? Until the
clouds unroll
and you come home, the line went. But the shadows stil remain
since your
descent, your descent.

It is good.


I read "kaettekita arubaito ai" this morning in the train. I like this series very much! I havn't finish reading this book yet. So I want to read fast!
If you feel this book is look like interesting, please read it☆

BOOK Report!

I read "Ali Baba and The Forty Thieves". I had read this story in Penguin Readers's book. But I like this book rather than PR books'. Tthis book is longer than another, so I'm interesting!

By the way.....I watch "eigo de syaberanaito"by NHK on TV. I like this program because I feel native English and I study though I enjoy!!

土曜日, 11月 25, 2006

Cooking in class

Lasrt Wednesday, We cooked chinese dishses.

We could cook well! and it tastes nice!!

火曜日, 11月 21, 2006

word test

Now, I taked test by V-CHECK. I had score that .....so so(><) I don't have a lot of English words. So, I try hard to memory! ....I hope it continue long time.

日曜日, 11月 19, 2006


Today, I have a parttime. When I went to the work place soon, I waited on customer of foreigner. I couldn't use English well. That is very difficult!

金曜日, 11月 17, 2006


I read this book(right picture). This book is very kind and interesting!

木曜日, 11月 16, 2006


We cooked any diffirent dishes!

It's here!!

火曜日, 11月 14, 2006

Christmas Time is here again!

There are words that I didn't understand.
Father Christmas
I understanded Christmas Time in over the sea. I surprised signs of christmas are in the shops from November and sometimes even October andSeptember. that is too fast!! And I learned Father Christmas is Santa Claus!! Christmas is an important time for children because they can get present, eat good dinner. But Christmas is too important time for businesses becsuse peple bought many sings!!


I read "ALI BABA and the Foerty Tbieves" recentry. Tbieves were bad because they steal treasures. So, The treasures that ALI BABA get is also stolen goods! Is it OK??

月曜日, 11月 13, 2006


I have a homewok that are reports of Field Work and "kyojuukannkyouwotukuru(koutikuhenn)". I haven't finish yet!! Oh no........

土曜日, 11月 11, 2006


I went to the festival of university in my universty today. I and friend(belong to same club) danced on stage. I couldn't dance well, but I enjoy!!

金曜日, 11月 10, 2006


Today, I bought a book that is "kagehinatanisaku" by gekidannhitori. I was telled by my friend that it is good book. I have not read it yet, I want to read first!!

火曜日, 11月 07, 2006


Rick likes mango. I like pears.


I went to Mr.Donut to eat dinner. I ate 「Pon de Ring」, it was delicious! And them, I ate 「black sesame noodles(?)」 I enjoyed the time.

A stay

Yesataday, I went to stay with my friend. Because I had club active, so I couldn't catch the last train! We talked until 3:00 am!! It was very interesting☆

水曜日, 11月 01, 2006


Yestaday, I went to dance culb. It start 8:30, and finish 10:00. I went to there by train, so I worry that I can go home.(there aren't train midnight) But I enjoy the active!! ....Although I couldn't dance well. I'm going to practice to become dance well!